New hand knit dish cloth pattern

April 19, 2007 at 4:43 pm | Posted in country living, family, free knitting patterns, gifts, hand knit dishcloths, knitted washrags, knitting, scarf patterns, yarn | 14 Comments

I only have time for a quick post today to let my knitting readers know I have posted the free pattern for the Spring Time Dishcloth in twisted purl stitch on the I Live on a Farm website. (I hope you will check out my full line of patterns. You will find great ideas for knitted gifts such as Christmas Stockings, gift bags, hats, scarves, fingerless gloves, and more.)

Have a beautiful day,

~ firefly


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  1. thanks for the pattern! 🙂

  2. wish you a good day too

  3. Have a great weekend and thank you for the pattern!

  4. I have a question about the mercerized cotton. Someone told me not to use it for dish cloths because the mercerization process messed with the absorptive properties of the cotton. Is this true?

    I would love to be able to use the mercerized because I love the sheen.

  5. Thank you so much for your lovely patterns you share. Very generous of you. (Note to Sharon’s question: when you are washing dishes, it is really more important to be able to scrub them, not necessarily absorb-which it still does, but I’ve used crochet cotton- which is mercerised -multiple strands together, to make knitted dishcloths and they work out just fine, still absorbive(is that a word?), they last longer, too).

  6. I really enjoy your website. I look forward to seeing your new patterns and also other valuable information about yourself and knittings. Keep up the great job.

  7. I just stumbled upon your website looking for a pattern for a cotton knit dishcloth. I just learned to “knit” this winter. I have made 14 scarves from all types of yarns since Christmas. I only know how to cast on, knit, cast off and attach fringe! I think I am ready for the next step, I am hooked on my new “thing”. I love your site, but I’m afraid it is a bit too advanced for me! Someday. Linda

  8. Finally… I was about to give up on my pregnant Holland Lop doe. Yesterday was 32 days into the “30” day pregnancy!! Anyhow this morning when i went out to feed breakfast she had not one but two tiny little babies snuggled beneath fur and straw deep in her nest box. This is new to me, we recently moved from a large farm with goats, chickens and two horses to a much smaller farm with not enough land for livestock. I still have my horse and he is happily boarded at a friends farm with four other horses. But i really missed going out early in the morning and feeding my animals, walking around the yard in my pj’s and muck boots checking on fences, gardens and just enjoying early mornings outside with my first cup of hot coffee. So… I have a new hobby-breeding and showing Holland Lop bunnies. I have a nice little converted chicken coop with enough room for my cages and an outdoor hutch to house my bunny rescues that i have accumulated over the years. I am getting involved with a 4-H group (even though my boys are older now). Basically i am starting a new phase in my “farm life”. I am trying my hand a gardening (never been good at it). By the way, does anyone know if Hydranga’s need sun or shade. Someone gave me a beautiful plant and i don’t want to kill it!! I love this site and i love reading everyones stories. I know i was born to be a farmer, even though i am not really on a true farm anymore. I love the simplicity and beauty of nature and feel fortunate that our new (old house) is at least on a very private peaceful acre of land. I miss my large farm with acres of orchards and corn, but i feel blessed this morning to have what i have and fortunate to have the two new tiny bunnies to enjoy and watch grow. Truly simple things bring me joy. That’s it for this morning, I wish all a blessed and happy summer day~ Ann

    • Hydrangeas need partial shade with light sun sometime during the day. They require water when the weather is hot and dry. The leaves and flowers wither when the weather is really hot but bounce back when the sun goes down. I live in Georgia and hydrangeas are a big thing here.

    • One thing I have learned over the years is that hydrangeas do not like wind or salt spray. Folks I sold them to on the coast educated me with bringing them back for something a bit more hardy.

  9. Hi. I just stumbled across your blog and boy, am I glad I did.

    I love it!

  10. What a lovely website! I too just stumbled across it. Oh, how I wish I lived on a farm and could wander around my property in my muck boots! 🙂 I will check back and ‘see’ you soon.

  11. Sorry, I could not find the ‘new’ hand knit dish cloth on your website. I’M sure it’s in there somewhere!

  12. Did I miss your free dishcloth pattern? I can’t seem to locate it. :=(

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